Alex Staniforth

Alex is an ultra-endurance athlete and adventurer who has faced many challenges in his life. He has used these challenges to motivate him to achieve great things, such as attempting Mount Everest and raising money for charity. He is now on a mission to inspire others to overcome their own challenges and thrive. Alex suffered from epilepsy, bullying, mental ill health and a stammer as a child. He found solace in the outdoors and began to challenge himself physically. He climbed Mont Blanc at age 17 and headed to the Himalayas for the first time in 2013. He attempted to climb Mera Peak and Baruntse, but was unsuccessful. In 2014, Alex attempted to climb Everest for the first time, but the expedition was cancelled due to an avalanche. He returned in 2015, but was trapped on the mountain for 2 days when a devastating earthquake struck Nepal. He survived the earthquake and went on to more record-breaking endurance challenges, raising over £100,000 for charity and founding his own mental health charity, Mind Over Mountains. He has written two books about his experiences, Icefall and Another Peak.